Outfit of the day.
Hello again, time for another little post.
So today was my first day off work all week and all I wanted to do was lie in bed and eat everything in sight but, for once, I decided to be proactive.
For the last few weeks, I've been getting more annoyed by the ever growing pile of clothes in my room. The joys of being rather lazy is that I've put on weight recently, which means a lot of my clothes sadly just will not fit. Also I have load of stuff that just isn't me anymore.
To make matters worse is I'm a bit of a hoarder and having to actually let go of stuff is something that just doesn't come easy to me. I just get myself so attached to things. Anyway, I actually managed to get most of my clothes together and make piles of "keep" "sell" "charity". I'm not going to lie, I still have so much stuff that I should clearly get rid of but baby steps!
As you can imagine my lovely other half was non too amused by this "clothes bomb" in the room but I think we was impressed that I actually managed to tackle it. Now I have the joy of making sure everything is washed and ready to go to new homes. Looking back at this photo, I've just realised that I've kept a lot of want you see but hey ho, as I said... baby steps!!
So after all that, all I wanted to do was get right into my pyjamas but alas food shopping had to be done. The joys of being an adult in your own flat, eh?
So here is what I wore today:
Jacket: G21 @ ASDA
T-shirt Dress: Primark
Leggings: Primark
Boots: Primark
First thing, I clearly love Primark a little too much, but anyway as you can imagine I was wanting to wear something comfy for today and you just can't beat a baggy long t-shirt and leggings.
As most of you should be aware by now, I get a little geeky when it comes to comic book stuff, so naturally this top from Primark was right up my street.
Anyway, that's all for now. I'm going to do a little post about things I'm lusting after later this week. In the meantime let me know if you also struggle to chuck away old stuff and if you have any advice on making decisions on what to keep and chuck, let me know!
Also, please check out my Depop page. I have a few things on it the now and will hopefully get some more up during the week: http://www.depop.com/en-us/franklymsshankly