Time for a little OOTD and to show you a couple of things I purchased today!
Shirt: Primark
Vest: Primark
Jeans: Primark
Bag: Primark (noticing a theme here?)
Shoes: Sun Jellies
Now after all that lovely weather over the summer, it has been a little on the rainy/cold side again. I planned in my head to wear black dress, black tights, boots and big coat but of course the sun decided to come out to play again. Not that I'm complaining but it caught me off guard!
So since Sunday is a lazy day, I decided to go for a fairly relaxed casual outfit.
I'm finding myself wearing jeans more which is good but still so weird for me. I have such a love/hate relationship with them but I love these ones from Primark. They are called "push in, push up" and they really live up to that name! Good for keeping those wobbly bits in check.
Recently I won a competition on Instagram that was hosted by Sun Jellies, DIY Nails & Karen Mabon to win a pair of amazing jelly shoes and adorable nail decals! Naturally I had to wear my new jellies today. They are so pretty and comfy!
I was so excited to get the nail decals as I've never actually tried them before. These ones are a collabration between DIY nails and Karen Mabon (amazing scarf designer), so of course they were going to quirky and cute!
The thing I love about these decals is that my parents are having a Las Vegas themed party for their anniversary in a couple of weeks, so these will be perfect for it. Cards, dice and Elvis!
I also finally got a chance to wear my Noxious necklaces that I spoke about in my previous post.
I love them so much and I finally managed to get picture that shows how music the topaz is in the necklace! It's stunning in the sun.
So onto my shopping trip!
Originally the plan was to head to Armstrong's (amazing vintage shop in Edinburgh) and find a dress for my parents' party. Sadly that did not happen. I did find the most spectacular sparkly dress but alas it was just too big.
However, I did find this little number:
I believe it was £12 and I just fell in love with it. Just seems to fit perfectly and I love the floaty hippy vibe it has. I really didn't need it but at the price, I couldn't leave it behind. Hopefully get a chance to wear it this week.
I do love a good vintage find.
So after that we popped into The Villager and had a quick cocktail
It is called a Gutter Glitter and it was perfect for a relaxing sunny Sunday afternoon. Malibu, Cherry Marnier with a Basil and Almond syrup. I do love my cocktails and this one is gorgeous, might end up in my favourite list. Infact I should do a post about my favourite cocktails in town.
What's your all time cocktail?
I also popped into good old Primark and found this bad boy:
Of course I had to get them. I don't even think I need to explain why.
They are fantastic and so so comfy!
So there you go, a little peak into how my Sunday went, let me know about your best vintage find and cocktail!
Sadly I didn't watch the fireworks tonight, mainly because I'm wary of them and I fancied watching Made In Chelsea (don't judge me)
Hope you guys had a lovely weekend!
Till the next time!