Thursday, 21 May 2015

OOTD: Casual Monochrome

Hello again!

It's a rare sight when the sun decides to rear it's wonderful head in Scotland and recently the weather has been truly miserable. It's pretty difficult to dress when it really is so unpredictable out there. So when I woke up to see sunshine, I was wary of what to wear. Do I got bright and summery or play it safe in monochrome... Of course I went for my favourite black and white ensemble.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

The Mercat Bar


A couple of weeks ago, the team behind 'Edinburgh Bloggers' were invited to try out the new menu at The Mercat Bar, situated on West Maitland Street at Haymarket. Now being a massive lover of eating, I couldn't possibly turn down this offer. So myself and three other Edinburgh based bloggers popped along last Monday to see what was in store for us.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Steak On Stones

Hello there!

Okay, so I did say I was going to be a lot more active with my blog in my last post but as you can see, that didn't exactly go to plan. Sometimes life just likes to get in the way but here I am finally. Better late than never eh?

Last month, I got the chance to visit the opening of a new resteraunt in Edinburgh.