Monday 4 May 2015

Steak On Stones

Hello there!

Okay, so I did say I was going to be a lot more active with my blog in my last post but as you can see, that didn't exactly go to plan. Sometimes life just likes to get in the way but here I am finally. Better late than never eh?

Last month, I got the chance to visit the opening of a new resteraunt in Edinburgh.
I have previously visited Steak, which you can read about here, and couldn't wait to try out their new restaurant. The Concept of Steak on Stones is that you can basically cook your on steak at the table. You can make sure your steak is cooked exactly how you would like it on a incredibly hot volcanic stone. I personally love a quirky idea like this so I was firmly on board for trying it out.

As I mentioned in my Steak review, the staff are incredibly welcoming and we were taken to the bar for a little drink before the main event. The decor inside Steak On Stones is quite different to the more rustic setting of Steak. Brick walls, interesting paintings, quirky lampshades and of course some dim mood lightning. It has a very modern feel about it which I personally really liked. 

Once we got settled at our table and I had a gin beside me, I was ready to look at the menu and hear about how it all works. For £12 you get 200g which is really is plenty, when it first comes out you may not think that is enough but trust me it really is. We also decided to go for two sides, chips and sweet potato mash (which was quite frankly, to die for). Before our meal, they brought out some lovely bread for us too. At the moment I can't for the life of me remember what bread it was but it was incredible. If anyone who has also popped along to Steak On Stones can remember what it's called, please let me know!

I was a little wary of the lava stone plate when it first came out, so Sam did most of the cooking for me. Plus I had never cooked steak before in my life, so it was a learning experience too. In the past I always made the mistake of having mine burnt to a crisp but I have recently been finding that I actually love it medium rare. At times, our steak ended up more rare than anything but you know what, I enjoyed it!
I loved the novelty of being able to just relax, sprinkle some salt on the plate, shove on my steak and ta da, time to eat it exactly how I want it to be. I could see this being a great idea if you are going out for a meal with a group in fact.

They also have a small dessert menu which consists of warm doughnuts which you can get in several different flavours. I love a good doughnut, did I get any doughnuts after? No. Sadly I was so full of tasty steak and sweet potato mash that I just knew if I attempted to eat a doughnut, I may have popped. Everyone I know who has went along has told me how amazing those doughnuts are. I am now living my life in regret over gorging on sweet potato mash. It was wonderful mash though...

However, it does give me an excuse to go back. Like I really needed an excuse of course.
If you live in the Edinburgh area or are even just visiting, make sure you check out this wonderful little restaurant. I'm a big fan of Steak, Steak On Stones and Beer & Skittles, and quite honestly cannot recommended them enough.

You can check out their website here and if you want to test your steak cooking skills, make sure you get a booking. You won't regret it:

Till the next time!


* I was invited to come along to Steak and Stones. My meal was complimentary but all opinions are my own.


  1. I love hot stone steaks! I first had one in Portugal and make the mistake of eating my steak whilst it was still on the stone and it ended up very well done by then end (I like my steaks rare verging on blue haha!) I'll definitely be making a trip here :)

    PS I'm also trying to get back into's so hard when you take a break right?

  2. Hi, you followed my blog ( on bloglovin', just to let you know I changed the url so if you fancy following the updated version it's at
