Thursday 21 May 2015

OOTD: Casual Monochrome

Hello again!

It's a rare sight when the sun decides to rear it's wonderful head in Scotland and recently the weather has been truly miserable. It's pretty difficult to dress when it really is so unpredictable out there. So when I woke up to see sunshine, I was wary of what to wear. Do I got bright and summery or play it safe in monochrome... Of course I went for my favourite black and white ensemble.

Jacket: Primark
Top: Primark
Trousers: New Look
Trainers: Primark
Sunglasses: Primark
Bag: What do you think? (hint: Primark)

Okay okay, I have been wearing these trousers quite a lot recently but can you blame me? They are just so bloody comfortable. I also find they are ridiculously versatile. I can wear them for nights out, for meals or just for a casual wander around Edinburgh. I've been hunting to hard for a pair similar to them but alas I am having no luck. It's such a flattering style for my slightly, let's say, curvier part. 

I've also recently been having a love affair with 80s films. From Pretty In Pink to The Breakfast Club, and I can safely say this has influenced my outfit choices currently. When I found this jacket in Primark in the sale, I knew it was meant to be. It's just so wonderfully 80s chic. I actually would love to find a pair of trousers to match but would that be too much? I long for a suit!

Going back to films, I find that movies really play a big part in my inspiration for outfits. Last October I was quite clearly going through a bit of a 'The Craft' phase. I think a lot of people go to magazines or runaways for ideas but personally what I am watching or even what I am listening to is what influences me the most. I guess it's the old part of me that loved acting which is playing a part here (you get it?). I just like the idea of being a character sometimes. 

Where do you get your style inspiration from? 

Till the next time!



  1. I am all about the 70's style inspo lately!! So fun. Love your look girl, the blazer is killer! <3

  2. Such a cute outfit! I'm obsessed with monochrome particularly of the Parisian leaning :)

  3. Love the trousers, love the bag. :)

    Tarnya //
