Friday, 20 June 2014

Cocktails & Bloggers

What more could you want?

Hello again you lovely people. Time for a little blog post!
So, i'm a little late in doing this one. What's my excuse? Well, i'm a little lazy to be honest but here it is, finally!

So on the 11th of June, I got to pop along to the Filling Station and participate in a cocktail making masterclass. Now, I love cocktails. I enjoy making them and I very much enjoy drinking them, so this event was right up my street. 

I've always been a fan of The Filling Station. Many a time me and my lovely friend Laura went to the one on the Royal Mile and I always ended up ordering a cocktail. So I was pretty excited to be invited along to their branch in the Omni Center. 

So basically, the whole background of the event was to promote the fact they have revamped their menus and to give us lucky bloggers the chance to try out some of the new food and cocktails. 
Also next week is the re opening of the Royal Mile branch which is very exciting and you must all check out.

Now... onto how my night went!

So this was pretty much one of the first things I seen when I walked in the door. Yummy tasty food!
I was pretty much in love with the chicken covered in blue cheese sauce and the little pepperonis. To be honest, I ate alot of the little pepperonis, but shh!

One of the first things we got to do was pick a cocktail off the menu. I normally go for things like cosmos, margarita, that sort of thing but I fancied a little change. 

This bad boy was a "Cherry Cola", a wonderful mix of amaretto, vodka, rum, cola and lime juice. Now if you have been to The Filling Station, you will know it is an American themed bar and restaurant. And if you didn't know that.... well you just learned something new! 
So cherry cola seems a very "American" sort of drink, so I had to go for it. It was a very tasty little number. I quite like my cocktails to taste strong but this one wasn't actually but I still really enjoyed it. A very refreshing drink!

So once we filled our bellies was tasty food and cocktail, it was on to the masterclass!
The event was hosted by Heart Radio's Paul Harper and Andy Pearson, basically the king of cocktails. 
And did you know, the most expensive cocktail is £100,000!!
It also comes with a Ferrari.
Great deal eh?

So a few of us got to go up behind the bar and help in the making of the cocktails. I managed to get picked to make our own special "blogger cocktail"
Okay time to fess up, I was getting a little tipsy by this point. I'm not normally such a "light weight" but as some of you all know, I've not been too well. That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it.
Our blogger cocktail was called "The Edinburgh Handbag", named so because of the fact I seem to be attached to my handbag. Now remember I had tipsy brain here, but I believe the drink consisted of peach vodka, cointreau and raspberry. 
It was damn tasty anyway!

So I'm going to rap this little post up with some photos of the night

 I really recommended that you all pop along to your nearest Filling Station restaurant and bar, order yourself a cheeky wee cocktail and have a munch! The bar staff that we met were very friendly and ridiculously talented. You won't be disappointed. 

So thanks to everyone who organized the night and to all the amazing bloggers I got to meet (you are all such a lovely bunch)

Hope you have enjoyed reading and let me know, if you had to pick one cocktail to drink right now, what would it be!?

Till the next time!


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