Friday 2 September 2016

OOTD: Life Update


So you may have noticed that I have't been the most active blogger recently. August basically turned into a write off. There are many reasons for this, some bad and some good. 

I still loving blogging, I really do but sometimes I have to take some time away from it all. Luckily my blog is just a hobby for me and I can easily do that. That doesn't stop me from feeling guilty or useless though...

My relationship with blogging has always been a mixed one. I love to write and I have watched myself improve with that as time has gone on. Starting my blog was one of the best things I ever did. Sure it is hardly a "big" blog, but it gave me such a boost in confidence and put me in the direction I needed to be on.

For so long I felt lost in what I wanted to do with my life. I just plodded along in the bookies, unsure of what was going to happen in my future. Sure I still have no idea but I feel like my blog has opened up doors for me and showed me what I am passionate about. 

On the flip side, starting blogging and being more active on social media has had its negative points. Too often I have found myself flicking through Twitter and Instagram and just comparing myself to everyone else. I'm not pretty enough, I'm not a great writer, my blog looks shit etc. 

Jacket - Primark
Cape - Mango 
Vest - Primark
Skirt - ASOS
Trainers - New Look
Necklace - Primark

Social media is a wonderful thing as is blogging. I've got the chance to meet amazing people and do amazing things but trying to find that balance of letting it consume me is not easy. 

This year in general has been a mixed bag. Yes I started an awesome new job and I got closer to some amazing people but I also lost people and my mental health suffered. I also found myself second guessing my place in the blogging community over incredibly petty things. 

I recently realised I had a choice to make. I could continue wallowing and letting my problems overcome me or I could fight back. Not in that faux "change your mindset and everything will be better" way. It is more to do with realising that even though my mind is my worst enemy, I will refuse to back down. I won't let it win. 

Recently SeeMe Scotland ran a campaign called #MyUnfilteredLife. You may have seen it, you may have done a post yourself but if you haven't pop onto Instagram and check out the hashtag. It really ties in with how I have been feeling the last few months. 

I'd love to say "I promise I will be a better blogger and be active all the time" because you know, that is unrealistic. What I will say is, I won't allow the opinions of others stop me from doing something I love. 

So yeah, this update is probably just a rambling mess but there you go. Normal service can resume. 

Do you find that the world of social media can consume you too much? Are social media breaks needed? 

Till the next time!



  1. Thanks so much for sharing this post - I think this is a really important topic. I honestly feel like social media can put some much pressure on someone and make them feel like like they have to look or amazing or like their photo of that food needs to look a certain way. It's totally unrealistic and I often find that I actually prefer the bloggers/social media accounts that don't look so damn polished all the time. Really liked this post - hope you're doing well :) xx

    Sophie Elizabeth

    1. Aw thank you. It is so true, we let social media put way too much pressure on ourselves!

      Emily x

  2. Sometimes you have to put blogging on the back burner and put your mental health first. xxx You ARE enough xxx

    1. Thank you lovely. Social media breaks are very much needed from time to time!

      Emily x

  3. Always put yourself first! Dont feel guilty if you need to disconnect with social media and the internet world for however long. And keep that sassy gal attitude fired up! Don't let anyone's opinions stop you!

    1. Thank you, you complete and utter babe ;)

      Emily x

  4. Loved this post Emily! I took a break as well last month and it was much needed, but then you feel like you have to play catch-up. Blogging is competitive by nature but it can really wear all of us down sometimes. x

    1. It really can. Luckily I am still in the mind set where the positives are far greater than the silly negatives!

      Emily x
