Friday 16 September 2016

Review: Himalayan Charcoal Purifying Glow Mask


When it comes to pampering myself I tend to fall on the lazy side. Even though I have tons of amazing products in my flat, I never find myself taking the time out to use them and relax. 

However, one product always has a place in my heart/schedule - face masks. As well as being amazing for my skin, they take no time at all to use. Most of the time I will shove one on after dinner when I am having a lazy Netflix binge session. 

In the past I have always stuck with those single use face mask you tend to find in Boots but I got the chance to try something a little different thanks to The Body Shop at Fort Kinnaird
After a long day at work, I came home to find a package waiting for me. I knew instantly what it was and went straight to the bathroom to take off my face (not my actual skin....)

Once I was fresh faced and make up free it was time to try out The Body Shop's Himalayan Charcoal Purifying Glow Mask.

So what does this mask do you may ask? It is described as drawing out impurities and refines the appearance of pores for healthy-looking skin with a glow. The charcoal clay mask is also infused with bamboo charcoal, green tea leaves and organic tea tree oil and contains no parabens, paraffin, silicone or mineral oils.

As someone who struggles with the appearance of my skin, I couldn't wait to try this bad boy out. 

Now let's be honest here, it is not the prettiest looking mask in the world. In the tub it is a dark grey/greenish colour which is never appealing looking, but hey I don't care what it looks like, I just want it to make my skin look and feel lovely again. 

Once it was on my face, I couldn't stop laughing. The more it dried, the more it looked like I contracted something like gangrene. I was weirdly kind of into this. Personally I think one of the best parts of wearing a face mask is the silly way you look when it is on your face.

Of course I naturally took to Snapchat and made sure everyone could see how ridiculous and kinda scary I looked. 

After about 10 minutes the mask was completely dry and ready to come off. After gently massaging it off with warm water, normal service resumed on my face. Well as normal as my face can look.... 

Instantly I was taken back by the results. My skin felt so soft and smooth like a baby's bottom (whatever that expression means...). I also noticed that the slight scars I have on my face due to acne and the chicken pox looked less noticeable. 

I was that impressed with my bare face that I even took a few pictures. Which is something I very rarely do unless I look really hilarious bad in the morning.... 

Since that first initial night, I have used to it several times since. I also may have caught my other half trying it out for himself. He loved it by the way...

My skin feels softer and brighter, to the point where I was actually complimented at work and told I have a glow on my face. I was then of course a little paranoid that they thought I was pregnant or been, erm, up to stuff recently... 

At £15, the Himalayan Charcoal Purifying Glow Mask is a little more expensive than what I uselessly spend on face mask but then again I do tend to buy just single packets, so it probably evens itself out there. 

I really can't recommend enough you trying it out for yourself, especially if you do suffer from acne or, like me, feel like your ghostly pale skin could do with a little burst of glow! 

Maybe in future, I will take a little more time out of my daily life to pamper myself and the Body Shop mask will of course be my pamper partner in crime!

Have you tried out the Himalayan Charcoal mask before or will you now? 

Till the next time!


*I received this product for free to review. All opinions stated are very much my own. 


  1. I have seen this face mask but didn't really pay much attention, after reading your review I am going to buy it and try it out my self.


  2. You know face masks are the one thing i dont actually use i might have to give this a go though ive seen a lot of body shop skincare lately ive been pretty intrigued

  3. I've never tried anything from thr body shop (bad blogger I know!) this sounds fab and I'm in need of a face mask!


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