Thursday 1 September 2016

Fighting My Fears At GoApe


So first things first, I am terrified of heights. I can't even walk up Arthur's Seat without having a slight moment of complete panic. 

In a way I am more afraid of falling than of heights. I can pin point the moment that this fear kicked in for me. During a school camping trip, we got to do rock climbing and abseiling. I loved the rock climbing so much but when it came to the abseiling, well things went wrong.

I managed to slip slightly, swung back and smashed myself off the side of the big rock I was going down from. Fear and panic kicked in immediately and I needed to be pulled back up again. Since then I have just avoided doing anything that involves heights.

So when I was asked to visit GoApe*, I was in conflicted...

As much as the thought of how scary it would be was playing on my mind, I decided to take up the offer and give it my best. Fight your fears and all that eh!

The day of my visit, I was excited. I put on some comfy clothes and geared myself up. I was basically channelling my inner Lara Croft.

Of course the closer we got, the more nervous I was getting. What if I just couldn't do it? What if I fall? What if I cry and make a right tit of myself?

To help me with my tree top adventure, I received some supplies from Pyramid Travel Products which contained: Antibacterial Gel, Midge & Tick Spray, Biodegradable Soap and some Insect Replants.

I also received some swanky GoApe gloves and a t shirt which I sadly didn't remember to bring with me. Trust me those gloves would have came in handy with my slightly sweaty nervous palms.

Once we arrived at at Glentrees Forest, we got geared up and given training before we hit the course. The team at GoApe give you plenty of chance to back out if you feel like it is going to be too much for you, you also receive lots of information on what you should and shouldn't do once you get there. We also did some training next to the cabin about our harness.

Now I have to admit I had an issue with the harness. The one everyone else got was just way too tight for my slightly rounded arse so I was given a different style to wear. This one made me look like a Ghostbuster. It wasn't my finest look...

We walked up the hill into the forest (that is one hell of a walk by the way if you are a lazy sod like I am). Our instructor showed us how to complete the first part of the course and made it look crazy easy.

When it came to my turn, I was kinda surprised at myself. I manged to do the first course without any melt downs. Overall I was pretty decent and proud of myself. I had to have a little encouragement when it came to pushing myself off of the platform for the zip line but once I was flying in the air, I was having a ball.

Here is a little short video of how my day went (alas we had an issue with the GoPro so it is all Snapchat videos...)

I really wish I had managed to finish the course. Sadly the Tarzan Swing kind of destroyed any confidence I had. I managed to swing onto the net no bother, but trying to climb up the net onto the platform proved to be an issue. I don't know if it was my lack of upper body strength or the fact the harness was cutting into my more, erm, delicate areas but it just wasn't happening.

I sadly went into full blown panic attack mode and had to get the instructor to help me up. It was embarrassing and frustrating. I am still annoyed with myself about it.

Though I didn't get to complete the course, I am still so proud that I managed to do what I did and even though I was nervous as hell, I had so much fun. Plus I still got a lovely certificate!

Would I do it again? Weirdly yes. Now that I have sampled a taste of it, I want to go back and prove to even just myself that I can complete it. It may not be easy but I've already discussed going back with my family so we can all do it together.

Thank you GoApe and The Big Partnership for having me along. Even if I sadly didn't get to enjoy the whole experience, I had a blast and you have helped me fight my fear of heights and spurred me on to train up, come back and be a GoApe master!

Have you visited GoApe before? 

Till the next time!


*My ticket to GoApe was provided by The Big Partnership. All opinions are my own. 

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